
Joseph Kieffer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readFeb 5, 2022


Photo by FPVmat A on Unsplash

My listening platforms today are music and podcasts. Music includes jazz, classical, salsa, alternative, and hip hop. Podcasts include self-improvement, outdoor living, true crime, and nutrition. Speaking of podcasts, Lewis Howes release an episode discussing the steps he took to grow his brand of self-improvement for nine years. His daily routine contributed to his creativity and motivation for his platform. Howes created synergy to continue the podcast and as a result, has been downloaded over 150 million times. I believe the platform you choose to create starts with simplicity. The simple routines taken today, amount to 150 million downloads later. Howes chooses to engage people with sound content because he believes it can change people's hearts and minds.

Listening today may impact your future self to take action on what you value and care about. What are you listening to for your future self to prosper? Our brains may communicate ideas by listening more than speaking. How are you listening to people? A break from speaking is perfect for a day. Have a listening practice that you can continue. In our day and age of voices and opinions on a certain subject, listening to people can help to appreciate the chosen subject. People may even change their minds if they listen. Let's look at another example of listening to nature.

Nature studies reveal song sparrows can memorize a 30-minute song playlist and use their voices to attract females. All the females have to do is listen to the shuffled songs the male sparrows produce to find a mate. That’s right, only males have the distinct sound of songs for the females. More in this study, sparrows try hard to create renditions of the original song to make it their own version. There is still more experimentation to come on this study, but for now, science makes us realize the song shuffle trains our brains to think about all variations of the original song. It is pleasing to the ears to listen to the most common bird songs. Mockingbirds can even play tricks on our listening ability to mock other bird songs and make them their own. Bird songs reveal characteristics about the classes and species of birds that make them easy or difficult to identify, but also beautiful to listen to.

Take it easy, and listen.



Joseph Kieffer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Exploring the possibilities of the scientific method are needed to bring about change. As an environmental scientist, I explore nature in depth.